by Rachel Torchia | Feb 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
PicturesPictures of every home I've lived in -inside and out.Family picnics, Easter outfits, Christmas morning, sitting with Grandma and Grandpa.My babies, our pets, a new car, birthday parties, Halloween costumes, kids baseball games.The list in my mind is...
by Rachel Torchia | Jan 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Instead of waiting….waiting …. for spring to spring out,Start getting busy on your plan to sell your house this year.HOW?1. Clean up and throw out or call a local charity to pick up your discards.What better why to get some exercise, stay warm and get your...
by Rachel Torchia | Jan 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
finally – there is a break through for everyone connected with the Cleveland Real Estate Market.Our workshops that teach Buyers and Sellers how to understand a real estate contract and other paper work are filling up fast.if you are selling with the...
by Rachel Torchia | Jan 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
The world has changed.You have changed.I have changed.Buyers and Sellers have changed.Real Estate Market jut Ain't What It Used To Be A Few years Ago.How, you say?The favorite saying was:” Location, Location, Location”No more!It has changed to...
by Rachel Torchia | Jun 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
It is not unusual that folks stop by our office to ask questions about title, escrow and closing process. In the past 24hours, I have been contacted by two property owners who are currently listed. One, is listed with the biggest...